
Abir Biswas

25 January, Wednesday

Abir Biswas Wikipedia

Member's Name: Biswas, Shri Abir Ranjan
Constituency: West Bengal

Abir Biswas
Date of Birthday: 29 August 1974
Place of Birth: Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Educational Qualification: B.Sc. (Hons.), M.C.A., M.B.A. (IT) and LL.B. Educated at Presidency College, Kolkata, IGNOU, Sikkim Manipal University, Kolkata and T.N.B. Law College, Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur, Bihar
Profession: Lawyer/Advocate, Political and Social Worker and Information Technology Consultant

Marital Status: No record
Spouse's Name: No Record
Children: No Record
Parents: Shri Ananda Mohan Biswas, Shrimati Minati Biswas
Permanent Address: Vill. & P.O. - Chapri, P.S. - Hanskhali, Dist. - Nadia, 741151 Tel.-

Abir Ranjan Biswas is an Indian politician who currently serves as a member of parliament in the Rajya Sabha for West Bengal. Biswas is a member of the All India Trinamool Congress.

Topics: What is Abir Biswas Real Name?, Abir Biswas date of Birthday, Abir Biswas DOB, How old was Abir Biswas?, Where was Abir Biswas born?, Who is Abir Biswas? Abir Biswas age now, Abir Biswas Social network Status, Abir Biswas Facebook Page, Abir Biswas Twitter URl, Abir Biswas Instagram, Abir Biswas Wikipedia update, Abir Biswas Family, Who is Abir Biswas spouse? Abir Biswas Education, Abir Biswas Profile.

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