Ram Chander Jangra
Member's Name: Jangra, Shri Ram Chander
Constituency: Haryana
Ram Chander Jangra
Date of Birthday: 8 May 1950
Place of Birth: Rohtak, Haryana, India
Political party: Bharatiya Janata Party
Educational Qualification: Graduate Educated at Govt. College, Rohtak, Haryana
Profession: Agriculture and Business
Marital Status: Married on 2 May 1974
Spouse's Name: Shrimati Kamlesh Devi
Children: Two sons and one daughter
Parents: Shri Chandu Lal, Shrimati Khazano Devi
Permanent Address: Ward No. 6, Kath Mandi, Meham, District - Rohtak, Haryana. Tel. 01257-233032
Ram Chander Jangra is an Indian politician. He was elected to the Rajya Sabha (the upper house of Indian Parliament) from Haryana, as a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party.Jangra has good knowledge of Indian epic mahabharat & specially it's Shrimadbhagavadgita.he talks mostly in tune with traditional morals that whole heartly effects our scenario.