
Jugal Kishore Sharma

19 September, Monday

Jugal Kishore Sharma
Constituency: Jammu

Born/Date of Birthday: 5 December 1962
Place of Birth: Kishanpur, Jammu (Jammu and Kashmir)
Political Party: Bharatiya Janata Party
Educational Qualifications: B.A. Part-I
Profession: Agriculturist, Businessperson, Political and Social Worker
Marital Status: Married
Date of Marriage: 30 Nov 1993
Spouse's Name: Smt. Usha Sharma
No. of Sons: 1
No.of Daughters: 1
Parents: Late Shri Bal Krishan, Smt. Vidya Devi
Permanent Address: Vill. & P.O. Kishanpur, Teh. & Distt. Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir
Tele fax : (0191) 2565884, 09419180151 (M)
Govt. Qr. No. 14, New Rehari, Jammu-180005,Jammu and Kashmir

Jugal Kishore Sharma (born 5 December 1962) is an Indian politician. He was a member of Lower House of Parliament (Lok Sabha) following the 2014 Indian general election in Jammu and Kashmir, being elected from Jammu constituency as a candidate of Bharatiya Janata Party. He has been re-elected as a member of Lower House of Parliament in the 2019 Indian general election in Jammu and Kashmir from Jammu constituency. He is a Rashtriya Swamyamsewak Sangh worker.

Topics: What is Jugal Kishore Sharma Real Name?, Jugal Kishore Sharma date of Birthday, Jugal Kishore Sharma DOB, How old was Jugal Kishore Sharma?, Where was Jugal Kishore Sharma born?, Who is Jugal Kishore Sharma? Jugal Kishore Sharma age now, Jugal Kishore Sharma Social network Status, Jugal Kishore Sharma Facebook Page, Jugal Kishore Sharma Twitter URl, Jugal Kishore Sharma Instagram, Jugal Kishore Sharma Wikipedia update, Jugal Kishore Sharma Family, Who is Jugal Kishore Sharma spouse? Jugal Kishore Sharma Education, Jugal Kishore Sharma Profile.

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