
Mohammad Akbar Lone

17 September, Saturday

Mohammad Akbar Lone
Constituency: Baramulla

Date of Birthday: 17 February 1947
Place of Birth: Naidkhai, Manzpora, sonawari, Bandipore, J & K
Political Party: Jammu & Kashmir National Conference
Educational Qualifications: B.A. LL.B.
Educated at: Kashmir University and Aligarh Muslim University, U.P.
Profession: Advocate, Politician

Marital Status: Married
Date of Marriage: 24 Nov 1968
Spouse's Name: Smt. Aisha Begum
No. of Sons: 3
Parents: Shri Abdul Gani Lone, Smt. Mukhta Begum
Permanent Address: P.O. Naidkhai, Teh. Hajin Sonawari, Distt.Bandipore-193501, Jammu and Kashmir
09419000812 (M)

Mohammad Akbar Lone (born 17 February 1947) is an Indian politician who serves the state of Jammu and Kashmir and belongs to the National Conference political party. He was elected Speaker of Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly in 2008. He was made Cabinet Minister in the Omar Abdullah Government on 15 January 2013 and was given portfolio of Minister in-charge of Higher Education.

In 2019, he won the Lok Sabha seat from Baramulla, in a four-cornered contest involving the PDP, BJP, Congress and five other candidates.

After the Union government revoked the special status of Jammu and Kashmir, he teamed up with fellow Lok Sabha MP, Justice Hasnain Masoodi, to file a write petition in the Supreme Court challenging the constitutionality of the revocation.

Topics: What is Mohammad Akbar Lone Real Name?, Mohammad Akbar Lone date of Birthday, Mohammad Akbar Lone DOB, How old was Mohammad Akbar Lone?, Where was Mohammad Akbar Lone born?, Who is Mohammad Akbar Lone? Mohammad Akbar Lone age now, Mohammad Akbar Lone Social network Status, Mohammad Akbar Lone Facebook Page, Mohammad Akbar Lone Twitter URl, Mohammad Akbar Lone Instagram, Mohammad Akbar Lone Wikipedia update, Mohammad Akbar Lone Family, Who is Mohammad Akbar Lone spouse? Mohammad Akbar Lone Education, Mohammad Akbar Lone Profile.

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