Jyotirmay Singh Mahato
Jyotirmay Singh Mahato
Constituency: Purulia, West Bengal
Born/Date of Birthday: 2 May 1985
Place of Birth: Patradih, Purulia, West Bengal, India
Political party: Bharatiya Janata Party
Educational Qualifications: LL.B. (Bachelor of Law)
Educated at: Rourkela Law College (Sambhalpur University)
Profession: Agriculturist, Parliamentary committee memberships, Politician
Marital Status: Unmarried
Parents: Shri Anantaram Mahato, Smt. Ambika Devi
Permanent Address: Vill. Patradih, P.O. Pusti, Distt. Purulia-723212, West Bengal
09933787883 (M)
Jyotirmay Singh Mahato is an Indian politician. He was elected to the Bagmundi Lok Sabha, lower house of the Parliament of India from Purulia, West Bengal in 2019 as a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party. His village name is Patradih in Purulia District. He is also serving as one of the State General Secretary of West Bengal unit of BJP from June 2020. Committee On Minst of Youth Affairs & Sports.