Choudhury Mohan Jatua
Choudhury Mohan Jatua
Constituency: Mathurapur (SC)
Date of Birthday: 09 June 1938
Place of Birth: Nagendrapur, 24 Pargana South, West Bengal
Political party: Trinamool Congress Party
Educational Qualifications: M.Com.
Educated at: University of Calcutta
Profession: Social Worker, IPS Officer (Retd.),Civil Servant, Politician
Marital Status: Married
Date of Marriage: 12 Apr 1955
Spouse's Name: Smt. Arati Jatua
No. of Sons: 1
No.of Daughters: 2
Parents: Late Shri Parameswar Jatua, Late Smt. Nani Bala Jatua
Permanent Address: Swethpukuria, P.S. Mathurapur, Distt. 24 Paraganas (S), West Bengal
Tel : (033) 23580641, 09732999626 (M)
Choudhury Mohan Jatua is an Indian politician. He was the Union Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting from May 2009 to September 2012. He was elected to the 15th Lok Sabha from Mathurapur.
Jatua is a post graduate in commerce from Calcutta University. A former additional deputy inspector general of police of West Bengal, he became a legislator, in 2001, by winning from the Mandirbazar constituency on a Trinamool Congress ticket.