Dharmendra Kashyap
Dharmendra Kashyap
Constituency: Aonla
Born/Date of Birthday: 1 June 1968
Place of Birth: Kandharpur, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India
Political party: Bharatiya Janata Party
Other political affiliations: Samajwadi Party
Educational Qualifications: Matriculate
Educated at: G. B. Pant H.S.S. Rampuria, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh
Profession: Agriculturist, Politician
Marital Status: Married
Date of Marriage: 20 Feb 1986
Spouse's Name: Smt. Saroj Kashyap
No.of Daughters: 2
Parents: Late Shri Mahendra Pal Kashyap, Smt. Kunwar Devi
Permanent Address: Vill. Khandharpur, P.O. Umarsia, Bareilly, U.P.-243001
Tel : (0581) 2517090, 09013869427, 08171505427 (M)
Fax : (0581) 2517091
Dharmendra Kashyap is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party and he has won the 2014 Indian general elections from the Aonla (Lok Sabha constituency).