Rebati Tripura
Rebati Tripura
Constituency: Tripura East (ST)
Born/Date of Birthday: 1 January 1976
Place of Birth: Durgapur, Dhalai, Tripura
Political party: Bharatiya Janata Party
Educational Qualifications: M.A. (Political Science)
Educated at: Tripura University, Tripura
Profession: Politician, Assistant Teacher, Writer
Marital Status: Married
Date of Marriage: 23 Jan 2003
Spouse's Name: Smt. Babita Tripura
No. of Sons: 1
No.of Daughters: 1
Parents: Shri Rabi Kumar Tripura, Smt. Sumitra Tripura
Permanent Address: Durgapur, Near BSF Camp, P.O. Sarma, P.S. Gandacherra, Distt. Dhalai-799284, Tripura
09436464969, 07005219634 (M)
Shri Rebati Tripura is an Indian politician from Tripura, and has been elected to the Lok Sabha in 2019 from Tripura East (Lok Sabha constituency) as a National Democratic Alliance candidate. He belongs to Bharatiya Janata Party.
Professional life
Tripura is currently seeking fund from Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman to allocate additional funds from the budget to Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council (TTAADC) for the welfare and development of the ethnic communities of the state.