Bhartruhari Mahtab
Bhartruhari Mahtab [ଭର୍ତ୍ତୃହରି ମହତାବ]
Constituency: Cuttack
Date of Birthday: 8 September 1957
Place of Birth: Agarpara, Distt. Bhadrak (Orissa)
Nationality: Indian
Political Party: Biju Janata Dal
Educational Qualifications: M.A. (English)
Educated at: Utkal University, Odisha
Profession: Journalist, Writer, Politician
Marital Status: Married
Date of Marriage: 26 Apr 1982
Spouse's Name: Smt. Mahasweta Mahtab
No. of Sons: 1
No.of Daughters: 1
Parents: Dr. Harekrushna Mahtab Smt. Subhadra Mahtab
Permanent Address: Beharibag, Chandini Chowk, Cuttack - 753 002, Odisha
Tels. : (0671) 2507568, 2508003, 09437228455 (M)
Fax : (0671) 2508001
Bhartruhari Mahtab (born 8 September 1957) is an Indian politician, the son of Late Shri Harekrushna Mahatab. He is a member of the Biju Janata Dal (BJD) political party. He was elected to the 12th Lok Sabha in 1998 from Cuttack constituency in Odisha. He was re-elected to the Lok Sabha in 1999, 2004, 2009, 2014 and 2019 from the same constituency. He received the Outstanding Parliamentarian Award 2017. He is also the recipient of Sansad Ratna Award 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 for his outstanding performance in 'Debates'.