Lorho S. Pfoze
Lorho S. Pfoze
Constituency: Outer Manipur
Parents: Shri A. Sibo Pfoze, Smt. D. Ashiphro
Date of Birthday: 27 Jan 1960
Place of Birth: Song Song, Mao, District- Senapati, Manipur
Political party: Naga People's Front
Educational Qualifications: M.B.B.S.
Educated at: Regional Medical College (Regional Institute of Medical Sciences), Imphal, Manipur
Profession: Medical Practitioner, Social Worker, Industrialist, Politician
Marital Status: Married
Date of Marriage: 19 Dec 1984
Spouse's Name: Smt. Apinao Muivah
No. of Sons: 2
No.of Daughters: 1
Permanent Address: Liseinho Hills Kayinu, P.O. & P.S. Mao, Distt. Senapati, Manipur-795150
Tels: (0385) 2413338, 08974634801, 08730930933 (M)
Lorho S. Pfoze is an Indian politician from Manipur. In 2019 Indian general election Lorho as a candidate of Naga People's Front got elected as Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha in the Outer Manipur (Lok Sabha constituency).