Jaisidhesvar Swami
Jaisidhesvar Swami
Constituency: Solapur
Date of Birthday: 01 June 1955
Place of Birth: Valsang, Solapur, Maharashtra
Political party: Bharatiya Janata Party
Educational Qualifications: M.A. Ph. D.,
Educated at: Banaras Hindu University
Profession: Religious Missionary, Politician, Social Worker, Agriculturist, Educationist
Marital Status: Unmarried
Parents: Shri Gurubasayyahiremath, Smt. Rudramma
Permanent Address: At. P.O. Gaudagaon (BK), Taluka Akkalkot, Distt. Solapur-413227, Maharashtra
Tel : (0217) 2373450, 09168331319 (M)
Dr Jaisiddeshwar Shivacharya Mahaswamiji is an Indian politician and a member of parliament to the 17th Lok Sabha from Solapur Lok Sabha constituency, Maharashtra.He won the 2019 Indian general election being a Bharatiya Janata Party candidate.