Sadashiv Lokhande
Sadashiv Lokhande [सदाशिव लोखंडे]
Constituency: Shirdi
Born/Date of Birthday: 1 June 1962
Place of BIrth: Dighol, Ahmadnagar, Maharashtra, India
Nationality: Indian
Political party: Shiv Sena
Educational Qualifications: Higher Secondary
Educated at: S K Pant Walawalkar Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Nehru Nagar, Kurla (East), Mumbai
Profession: Social Worker, Agriculturist, Politician
Marital Status: Married
Date of Marriage: 26 May 1984
Spouse's Name: Smt. Nanda Sadashiv Lokhande
No. of Sons: 3
Parents: Shri Kisan Santaram Lokhande, Smt. Kerabai Kisan Lokhande
Permanent Address: A-18/4, Maitri Park, CHS Sion Trombay Road, Chembur, Mumbai-400071, Maharashtra
Tel : (022) 25227178, 08275839999 (M)
Sadashiv Kisan Lokhande is a member of the 17th Lok Sabha of India. He represents the Shirdi constituency of Maharashtra and is a member of the Shiv Sena political party.
He was elected to Maharashtra Legislative Assembly from Karjat Vidhan Sabha constituency in Ahmednagar district for three consecutive terms in 1995, 1999 and 2004 as BJP candidate.
Positions held
- 1995: Elected to Maharashtra Legislative Assembly (1st term)
- 1999: Re-elected to Maharashtra Legislative Assembly (2nd term)
- 2004: Re-elected to Maharashtra Legislative Assembly (3rd term)
- 2014: Elected to 16th Lok Sabha (1st Term)
- 2019: Re-Elected to 17th Lok Sabha (2nd Term)