Krupal Tumane
Krupal Tumane [कृपाल तुमाने]
Constituency: Ramtek
Date of Birthday: 01 June 1965
Place of Birth: Nagpur, Maharashtra
Nationality: Indian
Political party: Shiv Sena
Educational Qualifications: B.Sc.
Educated at: M.M. College of Science, Nagpur
Profession: Businessperson, Builder
Marital Status: Married
Date of Marriage: 02 Feb 1998
Spouse's Name: Smt. Revti Tumane
No. of Sons: 1
No.of Daughters: 1
Parents: Shri Balaji Tumane, Smt. Hirabai Tumane
Permanent Address; Hirabalaji Villa, 76, Old Subhedar Leyout (Extn.) Nagpur-440024, Maharashtra
Krupal Balaji Tumane is an Indian politician from Nagpur who is re-Elected in 17th Lok Sabha[circular reference] & was member of the 16th Lok Sabha of India. He represented the Ramtek constituency of Nagpur district, Maharashtra and is a member of the Shiv Sena political party. He defeated sitting MP and former Cabinet Minister Mukul Wasnik of Indian National Congress Party.
Positions held
- 2019: Re-Elected to 17th Lok Sabha
- 2014: Elected to 16th Lok Sabha
- 14 Aug. 2014 onwards Member, Committee on Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
- 1 Sep. 2014 onwards Member, Standing Committee on Coal and Steel
- 3 Sep. 2014 onwards Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas