Sanjay Shamrao Dhotre
Sanjay Shamrao Dhotre
Constituency: Akola, Maharashtra
Born/Date of Birthday: 26 February 1959
Place of Birth: Akola, Bombay State, India
Political party: Bharatiya Janata Party
Educational Qualifications: B.E. (Mech.), LL.B
Educated at: Government College of Engineering, Amravati, Maharashtra
Profession: Politician - Parliamentarian, Agriculturist, Engineer, Industrialist
Marital Status: Married
Date of Marriage: 27 Apr 1983
Spouse's Name: Smt. Suhasini Dhotre
No. of Sons: 2
Parents: Shri Shamrao Dhotre, Smt. Shakuntala Dhotre
Permanent Address: At & Post. Palso, (Badhe), Teh. & Distt. Akola-444001, Maharashtra
Sanjay Shamrao Dhotre (born 26 February 1959) is an Indian politician from the state of Maharashtra and formerly Minister of State in the Government of India and a member of the 17th Lok Sabha of India. He represents the Akola constituency of Maharashtra and is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) political party.
He was also a member of the 14th Lok Sabha, 15th Lok Sabha and 16th Lok Sabha between 2004 and 2019 from Akola.
Education and early career
Dhotre is B.E (Mechanical) from Government College of Engineering, Amravati in 1981.
In May 2019, Dhotre became Minister of State for Human Resource Development, Communications and Electronics and Information Technology.
Debate details in Lok Sabha
- 14-Jul-2014 (I) The Budget (Railways) – 2014-15 (II) Demands for Excess Grants (Railways) – 2011-12
- 14-Jul-2014 - Need to expedite the gauge conversion of the Ratlam-Fatehabad-Indore-Mhow-Khandwa-Amalakhurd-Akot-Akola Section
- 31-Jul-2014 - flood and drought situation in the country
- 11-Aug-2014 - The Railways (Amendment) Bill, 2024
- 25-Nov-2014 - Demand for recognizing Anganwadi workers as regular govt employees
- 11-Mar-2015 - The Budget (Railways) – 2015–16; (ii) Demands Grants on Account (Railways) – 2015–16; and (iii) Supplementary Demands for Grants (Railways) – 2014-15
- 19-Mar-2015 - Discussion on the agrarian situation in the country
- 22-Apr-2015 - Regarding not to scrap Handloom Reservation Act
- Resignation from Modi Cabinet on Wednesday 7 July 2021
Positions held in Lok Sabha
- 5 Aug. 2004 and 5 Aug. 2007 - Aug. 2008 - Member, Committee on Information Technology
- 31 Aug. 2009 - Member, Committee on Rural Development
- 14 Aug. 2014 onwards - Member, Committee on Estimates
- 1 Sep. 2014 onwards - Member, Standing Committee on Railways
- 1 Sep. 2014 onwards - Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Agriculture
- 3 July 2015 onwards - Convenor, Sub Committee-III, Committee on Estimates
- Member, Maharashtra Legislative Assembly - 1999 to 2004
- Elected for 14th Lok Sabha (First Term)
- Re-elected for 15th Lok Sabha (Second Term)15th Lok Sabha
- Re-elected for 16th Lok Sabha (Third Term)
- Re-elected for 17th Lok Sabha (Fourth Term)
Family and personal life
Sanjay Dhotre married to Suhasini in 1983. They have two sons.