Ratansinh Rathod
Ratansinh Rathod
Constituency: Panchmahal
Date of Birthday: 01 Feb 1960
Place of Birth: Lakdi Poyda, Mahisagar, Gujarat
Political party: Bharatiya Janata Party
Educational Qualifications: M.A. (Sanskrit), B.Ed.
Educated at: Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Profession: Agriculturist
Marital Status: Married
Date of Marriage: 17 May 1978
Spouse's Name: Smt. Ratanben Rathod
No. of Sons: 1
Parents: Shri Magansinh Rathod, Smt. Motiben Rathod
Permanent Address: 123, Poyda Faliyu, Lakdi Poyda, Ta. Lunawada, Panchmahals, Mahisagar-388270, Gujarat
Ratansinh Magansinh Rathod, also known as Ratan Singh, is an Indian politician and a member of parliament to the 17th Lok Sabha from Panchmahal Lok Sabha constituency, Gujarat. He won the 2019 Indian general election being a Bharatiya Janata Party candidate.