Mohanbhai Kalyanji Kundariya
Mohan Kundariya
Constituency: Rajkot
Date of Birth: 06 Sep 1951
Place of Birth: Nichimandal, Rajkot, Gujarat
Political party: Bharatiya Janata Party
Educational Qualifications: Under Matric
Profession: Agriculturist, Social Service
Marital Status: Married
Date of Marriage: 22 May 1973
Spouse's Name: Smt. Amrutben Kundariya
No.of Daughters: 3
Parents: Shri Kalyanji, Smt. Nakuben
Permanent Address: Ashapura Tower, Opp. New Bus Stand, Sanala Road, Distt. Morbi-363641, Gujarat
Mohanbhai Kalyanjibhai Kundariya is an Indian politician and Ex Union Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmer Welfare in the Government of India. He was also elected to Gujarat Legislative Assembly from Tankara assembly constituency of Rajkot district.