Pradyut Bordoloi
Pradyut Bordoloi
Constituency: Nowgong
Born/Date of Birthday: 28 March 1958
Place of Birth: Margherita, Tinsukia, Assam
Nationality: Indian
Political party: Indian National Congress
Educational Qualifications: M.A., M.Phil.,PGDM(M)
Educated at: Cotton College, Gauhati University, JNU, New Delhi and Delhi Institute of Management
Profession: Businessperson
Occupation: Politician
Official Website:
Spouse's Name: Smt. Rani Bordoloi
Children: Two Sons
Parents: Shri Nanda Dhar Bordoloi, Kamala Devi Bordoloi
Permanent Address: Tipam Kanya Mahavidyalaya Path, Zoo Narengi Road, Guwahati-781021 (Assam)
Pradyut Bordoloi is an Indian Politician from the state of Assam, currently serving as a Member of Parliament for Nowgong constituency. Indian National Congress candidate and former Minister of State Pradyut Bordoloi, breached the BJP bastion of Nowgong, by defeating party MLA Rupak Sharma by 16,752 votes in the Lok Sabha Elections held in 2019.
He was a member of the Assam Legislative Assembly from Indian National Congress. He became a minister in the Tarun Gogoi led government. He was a Member of Legislative Assembly from Margherita He was also spokesperson of the state government in Tarun Gogoi government until 2016. He had been elected four consecutive times for Margherita.
Previously, he was also the President of National Students’ Union of India in Assam. He was minister of state for home affairs and later promoted as minister of state with independent charge for environment and forest, Bordoloi also was a Cabinet minister for power, industries and commerce.